
Happy New Year!

At last, 2020 is over!

January is the perfect time to set new writing goals, and a great way to make a plan for the year. At the start of 2020, I tweeted “this year I will get an agent”. Although I didn’t get an agent, I got my book accepted by Penguin, and made so many great writing friends. My whole relationship with writing changed last year, as I was so determined to do things differently, and to get my manuscript noticed by someone. A year is a long time—you never know how drastically your life can change within one!

Things are changing for Black Girl Writers, too. For 2021, we have a new site with extra pages to post upcoming events and news. In a few weeks, we’ll have another section for writing resources.

There’s loads of plans for this year, including more pitching workshops with Bookouture, more seminars with authors from both traditionally published and self-published backgrounds, and some extra special guests that I’ve been quietly DM-ing over the past year. I really hope that with this re-launch, we can reach more writers and make more of a difference.

Whatever stage of your writing journey, keep persevering, and make this year work for you!